We are in need of volunteers to make our annual period products drive for Period Action Day a success.
We need people to reach out to local libraries and see if they would be willing to host and promote a collection box, then we need people to deliver the collection boxes to the participating libraries, and finally we need people to pick up the collection boxes when they are full and/or when the campaign ends on Oct. 26th.
You can also collect products from your family, friends, co-workers, classmates, etc. and then arrange for either a pick-up or drop-off of what you have collected.
Once all the products are collected, we will need people to sort and divide the products, and then to deliver the products to the intended recipients. In the past we have donated to Guardian Angel Community Services, Daybreak Shelter, Head Start Program of Will County, The Southwest Suburban Immigrant Project, and the Northern Illinois Food Bank Joliet.
If you are interested in helping out, please send an email to admin@willcountynow.org.